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SFP+-TPA-HCB-P (640-0540-000)

SFP+-TPA-HCB-P (640-0540-000)

The SFP+ HCB and MCB test fixture kit facilitate SFP+ host and device compliance testing using our SFP+ Host Compliance Board (HCB) test fixture and our Module Compliance Board (MCB) test fixture.


The SFP+ HCB and MCB test fixture kit facilitate SFP+ host and device compliance testing using our SFP+ Host Compliance Board (HCB) test fixture and our Module Compliance Board (MCB) test fixture.

Qty. 1 - SFP+ Plug Adapter

  • 4 - High Performance Phase Aligned 16" Adapter Coaxial Cables w/ Male SMAs
  • 1 - 12 Position Low Speed Cable and Connector

Qty. 1 - SFP+ HCB Switch Module (p/n 110-1049-000)

 美國官方網站牌價(EXW USA) : USD $1,181 (此價格不包含關稅、運保費、匯費及進口增值稅)


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